I had bad diarrhea on the 6th of this month. The next day and onwards i had severe constipation. I ate fish on the 8th and had a bad reaction to it. My gums were swollen, red bumps on my tounge and pallet. Not sure if it contributed to the constiation. I had to take a Dulcolax on the 10th because i was feeling very ill with the constipation. It was such a bad experience 6 hours after i took one pill. I nearly passed out, had fever, pain, cramps it was so so bad but after 20 minutes i was ok. After that i still had no normal BM and still constipated untill today. I made a big mistake and took a Dulcolax again. I am extremely scard because i googled it this time just after i took it and the reports scared me half to death. Now im scared and in a state of panic becasue i am waiting for this pill to work. Is dulcolax very bad? I dont know what to do!