Just wondering and really looking for answers or opinions on what might have happened to me.

I was about 2 months off paxil cold turkey when i started 20mg Prozac. I took 20mg Prozac for 4 days. The only side effect I had
was that it made me feel very drugged up. My doctor then switched me over to 30mg Cymbalta. I waited 2 days in between. On the
second day i had the horrible reaction. My symptoms were:

Eyes got extremely blurry i remember rubbing my eyes 100x that day because i couldnt see well. My DR went up and had extreme anxiety, the worst symptom was that i had to keep my head off the bed every 10 minutes coz it felt like there was no bloodflow to my brain. I felt extremely ill and told my mom i need to go to the Hospital.

Reaction or SS or what as I never read anyone having such an expreience. Im scared i did irreversable damage to my brain. Did I?