I'm not quite sure what to do about the work thing yet. It's definitely one of my 'big 3' issues. I went on citalopram in 2009 during a time of stress and part of that was related to not knowing my path. Afterwards I've been busy dealing with this ssri-thing (remember I had a bad reaction from beginning) and it's been a survival fight.. This is something some younger people can relate to maybe.. older people struggling with the pills have their own troubles. For me one thing is that I have nothing to return to. I'm meant to be finding my way during this horrible time when I've been most ill suited for it. I tend to lock up and get tense even thinking about it.
Now, I know I could do something easy and uninteresting. Entry level jobs.. and I might even be able to do something like that if my condition worsens, as long as it's not like last summer. On the other hand I have a nagging feeling I should be doing something more, but I'm not sure I feel ready to start studying for university.. especially as I haven't got the slightest clue what exactly.There are things that interest me but I don't feel a calling towards anything. I have all kinds of neural networks and links that get activated when I start thinking about this. I used to be in a band before like I've mentioned and that comes up too "...maybe I should've kept doing that..did I mess up..". We were pretty serious about it at the time, I still hesitate to call it a 'hobby'.. for sure it wasn't something relaxing. I have some friends in the video game industry (no not Rovio) and I think I could get a fun job there as well, not sure if it's my thing but it would be different and interesting. But I'm not sure I want to be in touch with them (lost contact a year ago after the crash) and the atmosphere of that work environment. I know they are pretty flexible with things though, and have a really tight and supporting company. I think it's around 30 people or so. Mainly guys in their 20s and 30s, goofing around, drinking every week. I'm not sure I like that idea.. too much restless energy. Being there in a depressed state sounds frightening. There's also the added weight of knowing 3 of those people and if I had to quit I couldn't just disappear. Therapist thinks even the simple job and getting used to a work routine would be good, and part of me agrees. I'm living with my mother right now and it would be good to get an apartment and such.

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