Throughout WD many of us will experience varying degrees of emotional sensations/reactions which can vary in intensity, as well as vary in nature. While psyche drugs can dampen down one's emotions, creating a numbing effect so too can WD effects. WD itself can produce anhedonic states, as well as depressive states, emotional liability in way of crying spells, rages, heightened reactions to past and present stressors, traumas, etc., all of which are a negative rebound effects of ceasing psyche drugs.

These emotional reactions can occur when one develops tolerance to the drug, while tapering the drug or once one ceases the drug (whether it be C/T or once one has completed one's taper). Advisement: We do not recommend C/T. It is the most dangerous method of ceasing psyche drugs.

Also, as we recover, varying degrees and/or phases of equanimity can begin to emerge during windows. At what stage did you begin to experience such? At what stage of WD did you notice a levelling out of emotions where you could count on yourself to control your reactions to life?

What is/has been your experience? It would be helpful include your WD status when recounting your experiences.
