1. Sensitive teeth. I have had pain move around my teeth and gums -- more so in earlier w/d, although I still get more pain when my hayfever is bad than I ever did before w/d. Several times, I was afraid I had a cavity, but it never turned out to be a cavity, and the pain moved on to another spot.

2. Film. I had this and read about it on pp. Many people seem to get a slimy film that forms easily on their teeth, during meds use and for awhile after. I no longer have this film.

3. Jaw tension and teeth. I didn't exactly grind my teeth, but I kind of "held" my jaw super-tight, and, falling asleep, I would involuntarily clamp down on my tongue. This was so bad, that I had an open wound on my tongue that didn't heal for months....years? I wore a cheap mouth guard some of the time, but had dreams of choking! So that was a trade-off....Anyway, this has gotten much, much better. I only do the clamping thing about once every three months now, and my general jaw tension has slowly gotten better.

I have to really work on this tension, though. And one thing that helped, and was an alternative to the mouth guard, was to stretch my mouth open as wide as I could and hold it there, several times, before going to sleep.

A dentist told me that jaw tension is very characteristic of neuro damage.

4. Focusing and breathing into the pain. I'm positive you know this technique, but I forget it regularly, so here goes. You focus and breathe into the pain, and sometimes that makes it break up into pieces and dissolve.

I'm definitely sending you extra healing and soothing energy.......now! This is just unbelievable, isn't it? The parade of symptoms? The duration? We are healing, and it is getting better, albeit too damn slowly. I'm glad you asked for support.