By synchro, earlier today – possibly at the same time you were typing this :) – I read this from British biologist and parapsychologist Rupert Sheldrake, whom I highly recommend. From: “The sense of being stared at,” p. 121 –

“Thus, when individual animals or people are relating to each other through the normal senses, telepathy may play an essential role in the normal communication of intentions, images, and thoughts. For example, when two people are sitting talking to each other, they are not only linked through the words that are said and heard, but through body language and visual contact, through the shared environment, and so on…..These are all favorable conditions for telepathy, and favor the transfer of feelings, images, concepts, and ideas…

“Although telepathy may be going on continually, unrecognized, it only manifests itself when information through regular sensory channels is reduced or eliminated. It usually operates along with the other senses, enabling the information they convey to be interpreted and assimilated.”

Good for you for noticing that you received info that was not conveyed sensorily. The more you notice this, the more you will notice it. ;) It’s going on all the time, but we have been trained to dismiss and forget it.

Now, on the subject of ominous premonitions in AD wd…..I have thought about this **a lot**. I have had approximately 1.36 bazillion ominous premonitions in AD wd. I would say about a dozen came true over the course of 10 years and they were all much, much, much less serious than I anticipated. Things like – the garage door broke and needed to be repaired. Now, in early w/d, this *felt* like a catastrophe. But you can see that it is not. And given my odds of 12 right out of 1.36 bazillion in 10 years, I think I wasn’t even right those 12 times; it was just random. In other words, if you’re having an ominous premonition every 20 seconds, then eventually one will correlate with some kind of minor problem in your environment, by sheer chance.

So, it’s a terrible trap in w/d if you are at all interested in precognition, as I am. Basically, you cannot trust anything that feels like an ominous premonition. You have to assume it’s a neuro-emotion.

I’m sorry Freddie got hurt at all, but it sounds like it was a minor thing, and this is just part of being a kid. Nothing like a car accident. So, *if* you were tuned in precognitively, you were *way* wrong about the severity. So, *if* you are tuned into the fact that you will have some w/d, you are probably way wrong about the severity and duration.