Hello, Buddingbuddha. Welcome to IAWP!

Yes, indeed, it looks like in the past years you've been through an adverse reaction/s and then a series of withdrawals, which were mitigated by the reinstatements and switches between the drugs. It's very good you're determined to be ale to live without ADs, and it is absolutely possible to do. You just need to be patient and continue the Zoloft taper. How big are your cuts? We usually recommend the 10% drop every 3-6 weeks method.

How long have you been on Lamictal? Do you still take Klonopin or some other benzo? Also, are you experiencing any other symptoms apart from intrusive thoughts? Talking of intrusive thoughts and emotions in general, you may want to have a look at this thread, It will help you a lot: http://antidepressantwithdrawal.info...-Neuro-emotion

Your body will heal. It just needs time. Stay strong.