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Thread: Follow your bliss

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  1. #7
    Founder Luc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. William James

    I don't have to go into the details of what WD is, and how indescribably hard it is to simply "keep surviving it", as Everyone of you, Brave Folks, knows it all too well. The question is, though, "how to, despite the lack of any positive thought for long stretches of time, try to find the Meaning in it all? Is it possible to somehow mitigate the emptiness and the feeling of hopelesness that accompanies WD, to find the ways of seeing the Light again?"

    Yes, it is possible, at least partially. Of course, in the early WD, doing even the tiniest of things may not be possible, when all energy is used to simply survive the onslautght of the most hellish symptoms a human mind can imagine, but, after the worst storm is over, it's worth at least trying. There always comes a moment when the possible becomes less impossible.

    ...we started this forum and a website from an absolute scratch, we added one piece, one sentence at a time (no exaggeration!). "At a time" sometimes meant writing one sentence every few days, and one single "added piece" was sometimes so minute that virtualy invisible. But we kept doing it. We, then, started our Youtube channel, and kept adding videos... eventually getting close to 50 of them. I can't imagine of anything more motivating and spiritually uplifting than getting an e-mail or reading a comment under the video saying "OMG, so that is why I have been living in hell for so long, and now I know there is a way out of it." The element of the life-creating Hope present in these words is unlike anything else.

    Indeed, at some point, you start to realize that this unrelenting approach of building something better starts bearing more and more fruit, that it's so worthy, and that it also has its "collateral benefit" on a personal level, it helps to deal with the painful past, and turns the past trauma against those that caused it, calling them out by simply showing the truth and truth only. It helps to heal. You can do it too. Try it. By spreading the word, writing a comment that expresses your views and share your knowledge on the Big Pharma scam with others... It's all very empowering, on all possible levels. Use your painful experience to actively question the legitimacy of the present dysfunctional medical system, help others in need, and assist your own personal growth.

    You can do this, and you can do other things. Whatever you are able to think of. Adding one small piece at a time.
    Last edited by Luc; 01-24-2013 at 10:07 PM.
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

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