NH – My first thought was nocebo, too – meaning, you’re so (understandably) afraid now that you have a physiological fear reaction to anything.

But, I ran it past Barbara and she had another thought – you *might* be having a slight detox reaction to it. If that’s the case, it should get better as your system adjusts to that level of Vit. C. Maybe wait two weeks before going up again.

Another possibility is that you are sensitive to the fillers and coloring in pills. You could try a Vit. C powder that you just add to water.

But, you really need the Vit C more than most, so I think it’s worth figuring out a way for this to work. Just to give you perspective, I take 9600. I had to go up slow, though. I would get too activated if I went up fast. If I updosed slowly, I had no side effects.

PS – Then, I just read poodlebell’s post elsewhere and it reminded me that some people have GI problems on plain Vit. C and have to take a buffered version like Ester C!