David Sunfellow
6 Sep 12

By David Sunfellow
First Published: January 27, 1995
Fifth Revision: September 6, 2012

So, you live on Planet Earth and are wondering what you can do to insure a graceful passage through whatever changes may come your way. And you want advice that you can use any time, any place, even when faced with the kind of apocalyptic changes that are presently knocking on our global door.

Here are a few practical suggestions:

1. Spend time daily praying and meditating.

One of the most important things we can do to live a graceful life on this planet is to establish and maintain a direct relationship with life’s unseen forces. Spending time daily connecting with the deeper aspects of ourselves helps loosen the powerful grip this world has on us. It helps us remember that we are more than flesh and blood and that there is more to life than we can see with our eyes. It helps us heal faster; find answers and solve problems more quickly; make changes more gracefully; feel guided, protected and looked after by forces greater than ourselves; sense the larger, grander scheme of things, which helps put the drama of daily life into its proper — not as real, dire, or all-important as it seems — perspective. In short, spending time turning within on a daily basis provides us with a rock-solid foundation upon which to stand and face whatever experiences may come our way.

• NHNE News List Archive On Meditation

…for the next 11 tips, go to…
