Quote Originally Posted by annie View Post
I do think that the current drugging of society is very related to 1984.
It goes one better, Annie - the Aldous Huxley Brave New World is even more spot-on, with its dystopic pharmacologic hell of human biorobots. This whole stuff is not even a matter of "predicting" the future, but planning/engineering it by those who have most leverage on it. In Huxley's *own* words;

"And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing ⦠a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods."

One thing is not accurate in this picture, though - the word "painless". http://archive.org/details/AldousHux...mateRevolution In this link, there's also *audio* to it.

Have you watched THX 1138 by George Lucas? It was his directorial debut. This one is also very powerful. But, in the end, the main character is able to break out of his prison, and so we will, too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/THX_1138

It all might be very scary, but the existence of places like ours, and many others, brings some more optimism about the future.