Oh, I'm so excited that you watched it and that it was just the right time for you to see it!!

As our Luc has said, time is running out for the those at the forefront of the dominant paradigm. In fact, surveys show that the majority of plain old citizens tend to espouse beliefs like those in What the Bleep. And now we are communicating with each other easily through the Internet.

I was just thinking today. I used to think blogs were about "I had Rice Krispies for breakfast today. I thought about having Special K, but then I changed my mind."

But, I have been astonished to discover that there is a network of people writing really deeply thought-out, carefully-researched blogs about stuff related to What the Bleep. And they're citing each other, and so creating a web of deepening thinking. It's very exciting. So, I don't think you're being too pollyanna at all at all!