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Thread: Keep On Walking (lyrics/poem)

  1. #1
    Senior Member Samsara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Keep On Walking (lyrics/poem)


    This is YOUR theme song! BTW, thank you for inspiring so many of us, myself included, re: to "keep walking".


    Keep On Walking

    Salem Al Fakir

    I was aiming for the sky,
    ended up flat on the ground
    But once again the sun is rising,
    I better keep on walking
    Keep on walking

    I have a long road ahead of me
    It's cloudy and dark it's hard to see
    Will I ever get through to the end?
    Been down this sling so many times before
    And I told myself I would do it no more
    Now I'm back on the same road again

    I was aiming for the sky,
    ended up flat on the ground
    But once again the sun is rising,
    I better keep on walking
    Keep on walking

    I was aiming for the sky,
    ended up flat on the ground
    But once again the sun is rising,
    I better keep on walking
    Keep on walking

    There's some twists and turns I've gotta clear
    But when I'm done the end will soon appear
    I can leave my troubles behind

    I was aiming for the sky,
    ended up flat on the ground
    But once again the sun is rising,
    I better keep on walking
    Keep on walking

    I was aiming for the sky,
    ended up flat on the ground
    But once again the sun is rising,
    I better keep on walking
    Keep on walking

    I never stopped believing
    I know what I should do,
    just let the light guide me through

    I was aiming for the sky,
    ended up flat on the ground
    But once again the sun is rising,
    I better keep on walking
    Keep on walking.

    I was aiming for the sky,
    ended up flat on the ground
    But once again the sun is rising,
    I better keep on walking
    Keep on walking

  2. #2
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Northern California
    Amazing. This is truly Luc's theme song! Good find, Sams.
    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

  3. #3
    French Café Moderator Cosette123's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Thanks Samsara! I have to keep this poem in my mind when I am in sad days like now.
    Severe anxiety since childhood .SSRIs for OCD.
    Major traumatism in my life:Prozac during short periods.
    Deroxat (=Paxil) during 7 years.
    Three unsuccessful atempts to quit.
    Deroxat free since may 2008 (Cold turkey )

  4. #4
    Senior Member Samsara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Thanks Sheila and Cosette.

    I love the lyrics as well. The aiming for the sky represents our desire for recovery but then we end up flat on the ground (hit with a wave) however, we keep walking for the reasons outlined in the lyrics.

    BTW, I have never listened to this song nor am I familiar with the artist who wrote or recorded it. I wish I had high-speed internet so I could download and listen to the song.

    Many times I search for poems or song lyrics during times when I feel alone. Such lyrics keep me going.........allows me to feel understood and less alone with my thoughts etc. Anyway, when I came across this song title and lyrics, I immediately thought, "OMG, I must save this for Luc".

    I'm in sad days as well Cosette so I understand what you are feeling. We just have to ride out this time since, it will pass. As the song mentions, "we are experiencing a twist and a turn" right now but the sun will rise again.

    Many Sun Filled Days to All of Us!


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