Hi Sheila,

I started taking Omega 3's I think sometime around the time I started my taper of Effexor. Within a week or two..I can't remember as my brain back then wasn't too clear. I took 3,000mg. a day and it went well. As I did some reading and see that the effective dosage is around 1gr I have wanted to increase. At the health food stores here I am not able to find a 1 gr capsul so am just increasing the 1,000mg caps that I have. Today I had 6 of them.
I really think you might be right that they have helped me with some of the w/d symptoms. Not that it has been a walk in the park as it sure hasn't. But when I read some of the reactions others have been having who have been on AD meds much less time than I have I think I have had it easy by comparison.
I had been on varios AD's for roughly 18-20 years. Never more than a few weeks off the times I have tried to quit. Also I have tried Lithium and then Serequel the Serequel I was on for maybe 5 years. I am guessing time frames as I just can't remember. I am sure I have tried almost ever drug there is with modest improvement at times which would quickly deteriorate. And the feeling of things racing inside of me that I had during this whole time..called by some doctors 'hypomania'... is just wrong. It was the medication! I know it was. I personally feel like it has worn me out and I believe my adrenal gland has been over stressed for years and years..hence my 'hitting the wall' now, when I am stressed. I had one adrenal gland out so there is only one to do the work of two so there is another load on it. Back to my though before I rambled, ha,ha... I really do think the Omega 3's have helped me, sort of a cushion.

As important to my feeling good has also been the quitting the high, simple carbs and the sugar. Although it is hard to say what causes what..having less inflammation inspite of also quitting a prescription medication for this problem speaks volumes that something is going well..just going off AD or the removal of the carbs.. or both. Also the Omega 3 and other supplements and eating right.

Sheila, It is very easy for me to use this time to make a life change as it is all just in front of my face. And there does require a preparedness and commitment to stick it through. Not to mention that it is a life changing experience!

What do yo mean the Vit C is activating for you Sheila?

I have thought about the Vit E before but then put it off...maybe I will get some as well. Only change one supplement at a time? Easier to tell if it is working? I don't seem to have any negative effects from vitamens or supplements so far.

LAUGHING AT YOUR ANIMATION!!, haha. I guess Manitoba must seem far North because your in California. I am a little envious right now. It is freezing here still. Snow is melting and clear in some spots and others there might be a foot or more of snow. We moved here only last November so I haven't experienced any warm weather yet. I have got to experience into the -40's though. Doesn't that make you want to come visit? Ha,ha.