Hi Biscotaki,
So sorry you are having symptoms like this. I don't have much to offer you ..just one thought with nothing to back it up. During the evening we are generally quieter and might pay more than the usual attention to changes. I don't mean this to diminish what is going on. Another thought...our hormones, cortisol, malatonin and such, surge and wane throughout the day and night in relation to sunshine, and such...and as you have made some recent changes to timing it maybe coincides with a time like this?? If it looks like you are reacting to this change anyway, maybe a good time to make it productive and remove one of the night meds? It might cause you distress but you are already feeling the impact. This might not be good advice. Just thinking aloud.
I am thinking about you and sending you peaceful thoughts to quiet your mind and body.
We will get through this!