I have felt a little better now I have been down to 10mg for a week. not BETTER but not suicidal and I havent been in bed all day, I stay downstairs all day.

But next week is my pms week and throughout this I have had a real bad time over that week and the next week.

I want to get off the cit as soon as possible but the people on paxil Progress have told me to take it really slow and wait until the end of october before dropping any more. I hate it but Im so scared of feeling ok for 6 weeks and then all hell breaking loose again which I have read about lots of times, is that usually the case more in long term takiing and w/d or is it likely to happen after an adverse reaction?

I have been on for 9 weeks now so long enough to go through w/d, and phase 2 of w/d which seems to come on weeks after stopping.

When I drpped to 10mg a week ago, I had some DP for a few days but that has gone now, I am just left with anxiety feelings for NO REASON AT ALL!!

Sometimes I can feel that its my own fear of anxiety but other times, like right now I was feeling ok and now Im feeling anxiety and a hot head, I just wish it would stop.