This week started off with the 2 day migraine but improved after that. The 2.5% drop is showing now as many things are much more improved than previous drop/s. I am more inclined to want to do things now, but trying to find the fine line of how far to go without making symptoms worse. This week the pressure heads dropped off, but have had lots of body vibes and head vibes, the intensity depending on what I do.

Hubby and daughter helped me wash windows in and out, do cobwebs in and out (all those jobs I couldn't do) and that made things worse. I tried to scrub some mould off curtains, which meant bending and my back is aching bad and is "icky" (almost spasm). My shoulder is playing up bad again, probaly from using my arm, and I am having trouble with my wrist which is a new symptom. If I turn it wrong way, it is very painful, especially trying to carry something heavy.

This has shown me that my muscles are still weak, despite regular walking (but no walking this week, instead cleaning). Even head pressure was mild, but I notice now on exertion it gets worse. This is still a change/improvement because in the past it was bad all the time and I never noticed any differences.