What is it?!

There is an Internet company called JustAnswer.com. It is based in San Francisco, and my computer guy's wife works there. It was founded in 2002, and is rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. It is doing well, and has a big staff. It runs a huge, international stable of “experts” in various fields. Internet citizens go to the site, and offer to pay whatever they want to get a prompt reply to a question. The most common questions are in the areas of law, health, pets, and car problems.

“Experts” have to pass a short test to get on board, and then, from home, they can choose to answer whichever questions they want. If the consumer “accepts” the answer, the Expert gets some money and JustAnswer gets some money.

JustAnswer has many existing categories for questions (eg Mental Health, Homework), but you can also create a “beta” category on any topic you like. Then, it’s up to you to answer questions in that category, attract customers, and attract other experts. If your beta category becomes successful enough, JustAnswer will turn it into a main category on its homepage and start helping you promote the category.

So, it occurred to us that JustAnswer probably doesn’t know that there’s a pandemic of people having bad reactions to psych meds, and that these people are already flooding the Internet looking desperately for help and information. We checked and, sure enough, JA did not have a beta category for "Antidepressant Withdrawal," so we have started one.