Since the matter in question is a very broad phenomenon (or rather a possible group of *phenomena*), the title of this thread encompasses the most probable theories behind it. Yet, as the most widely used one is “energy” healing, I’ll use it in this post from now on.

Let me say first that I myself was a staunch skeptic of anything that would fall outside the mainstream scientific paradigm. In recent years though, after having looked into the matter more closely, my views have changed dramatically. On many levels, it was my personal awakening, and as such it demanded a general overhaul of my entire outlook on life and science, revisiting my entire belief system. But, once that happened, I realized how many new possibilities to explore it opens, and that, in the long run, some of them could potentially lead to inventing new ways of helping with WD symptoms.

Wikipedia defines "energy healing" as follows;

Energy medicine, energy therapy or energy healing, a branch of complementary and alternative medicine, holds the belief that a healer can channel healing energy into the person seeking help by different methods: hands-on, hands-off, and distant (or absent) where the patient and healer are in different locations. There are various schools of energy healing. It is known as biofield energy healing, spiritual healing, contact healing, distant healing, therapeutic touch, Reiki or Qigong. Spiritual healing is largely non-denominational: practitioners do not see traditional religious faith as a prerequiste for effecting a cure. Faith healing, by contrast, takes place within a religious context.

One important caveat though. I don’t want this post to offer any false hope of the cure being just round the corner. It may take time and lots of work to create any possible treatment protocol for alleviating WD symptoms.

The mainstream science has, for quite a time now, especially since the time when the all-powerful Big Pharma gained financial and systemic control over the scientific narrative, denounced “energy healing” as ineffective. But this is starting to change.

There have been many healers who were very efficient in treating the whole gamut of illnesses. Unfortunately, there were also those “stubborn” ones, among them neurological conditions. One of the reasons behind it was a high complexity thereof. Still, even those were possible to treat by some healers.

Now, considering how *complex* condition PWS (Prolonged Withdrawal Syndrome) is even *within* neurological realm, could we still find ways of alleviating it via the “energy” route? Could we speed up the healing process by applying the methods of energy healing. If so, to what extent?

Sheila has done a tremendous amount of research in this area. You can read about it on her blog. All her findings are always very well-documented. You might find the post from June 25 2012 especially interesting; Interview with Rosalyn Bruyere: Neurological problems and energy healing;


…and this one; 20th c. healer Bill Gray and the enteric brain as phase monitor, from February 27 2013;


Please, share your personal experience. Have you ever tried “energy healing” for WD or for any other condition during WD or pre-WD?

Also, if you come across any book, article, web site, data that you found interesting, please share it with us in this thread.