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Thread: Chilling report from SSRI user

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  1. #10
    Dutch Café Moderator Claudius's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheila View Post
    Claudius – remember, you never know people’s whole stories – what else is going on to contribute to their problems. But, if there is neurological damage, then mega-dose Omega-3 is a legitimate option that I am pretty sure has not been tried for this persistent symptom.

    Mona -- Egad! The really horrible truth is that it already *is* in the water supply. Pharmaceuticals have been found in every urban water supply tested. Our water treatment facilities are not designed to capture and remove them from the water.
    Sheila, I am afraid that for many people just the pills are the culprit. And we all know here that SSRI's do cause damage though healing takes place, there is no guaantee that no permenant damage is done.
    I do not read the PSSD fora, and it is not really my issue.

    By the way, I have started Omega 3 and will build it up in the coming period. I am curious whether I will notice any effect. Unfortunately, it is not cheap...
    Last edited by Claudius; 07-11-2013 at 08:16 AM.
    Recovering from the ravages of withdrawal after 5 years on Paxil/Seroxat, originally prescribed for stress and, looking backward, PTSS.
    Though it is hardly possible to get something positive from the utter hell of repeated c/t's and protracted w/d, all of this unnecessary, I still believe in the possiblity to emerge from this as a healed, wiser human being.
    All we need is just a little patience - Guns N' Roses

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