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Thread: That One Takes It a Bridge Too Far

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    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    Jul 2011

    That One Takes It a Bridge Too Far

    Talking of aberration;

    This makes me wonder;

    1. How many of those suffer from the illness that was created for the sake of higher Big Pharma profits?
    2. How many of those suffer damage caused by drugs?
    3. How many of those are in depression/and others caused by the system itself; too much stress and suffering brought about by the life circumstances/peer pressure/pop culture pressure - the last of which selling you the myth of Ideal World from the magazine covers?

    Out of ironic curiosity, what is going to happen when (according to statistics), the percentage of the "mentally ill" exceeds 50%? If any value goes beyond 50%, it, by the very definition, becomes the "norm". It seems then that those w/o mental problems will be considered abnormal soon.
    Last edited by Luc; 09-09-2011 at 09:46 PM.
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

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