With this message only intend to be testimony to the people at that may be in my situation. I got really scared when I got diagnose macular degeneration, and tried to find testimonys encouraging and found none.
In February 2013 I started having vision problems. The lines rather than see them straight, I saw the lines wavy. On 26/02/2012 I got an injection in the eye (to stop the bleeding I had in the macula of the right eye.
Today I went to review the eye and the eye doctor told me that is fine. I still see the lines slightly wavy but bleeding from the macula disappeared, the wound is healed.
I am very happy. Also as I'm used to process wd .... it is so long ..., MD has cured me in a month!, In such a short time....
Hmmm, some diseases are cured in a month ... lol
Tome specific vitamins for vision, and also take aloe vera (which is a good healing)