I am very fortunate to qualify for a women's treatment program that offers me free acupuncture up to 5 days a week.I started it in November of 2012. (They also offer Reiki, therapy, group therapy, yoga, & art therapy.) I honestly do
not think I would even attempt withdrawal without this acupuncture. it is specifically Detox Acupuncture designed for women wd-ing from street drugs. I know it is making my wd more bearable, and also has made it possible for me to
begin to discern the fact that the ADs are making me worse, not better, and that a good percentage of my problem is the ADs, not the "original problem".
I am not fortunate in that I have no husband or other source of income, and I have a son in college. I live on public benefits. I am 55. I would rather work. I would like this nightmare to be over.