Thinking of you Sam and wishing you well.
Thinking of you Sam and wishing you well.
Energy healing,
Big Hug
Mar/2009 (diacepam+nortriptilina).Aprl-2010 (sulpiride+diacepam). May-2010:Tranxene 20 mg+SEROXAT 20mg
TAPER BENZO:Apr-2011 20-10mg.; Sep-Nov -2011 taper 10 a 0mg. BENZO FREE 06/11/2011
TAPER SEROXAT: jul-ago-11: de 20 a 10 mg; Dic-11/jan-10-5mg;Apr-sep-12 5-0mg . SEROXAT FREE: 15/09/2012
Internal tremor, brain fog, memory, lack of concentration, anxiety. Problem original: Stress
Some great synchronisity, M&M. :) I was just going to bump this thread.
Stay strong, Sam! We are thinking of you and I know you are feeling it.
Keep walking. Just keep walking.
"Perseverance, secret of all triumphs."
Victor Hugo
Keep walking. Just keep walking.