apparently no allergy discovered
Soaps, lotions, cosmetics
Soaps, lotions, cosmetics
A little better than before ADs?
Much better than before ADs?
A little worse than before ADs?
Much worse than before ADs?
Soaps, lotions, cosmetics
A little better than before ADs?
Much better than before ADs?
A little worse than before ADs?
Much worse than before ADs?
No allergies
apparently no allergy discovered
12 years paxil(9 years only 10 mg) - cold turkey(1,5 month) and switch celexa tapered 1 year 20 mg
62 years old - for GAD - 4 years 3 months meds free [since april 2009]
vegetables soup - orange (vit C) - curcuma - some meat or fish
Stan my man, are you sure you don't have hidden allergies? If I remember you mentioned sinusitis in some post.. mine seems to be triggered by either wheat or milk. (and citalopram)
Acceptance. Time. Habit.
I had atopic dermatitis for many years. 8 or 9 years ago that I have not already. When I suffered from atopic desmatitis I remember often told me that was related to emotional problems, anxiety, stress ... but at that time I had no anxiety or stress. Anxiety problems starting later, when the dermatitis had disappeared. (I'm just thinking for myself)
Cleaning products, aerosols, and certain fragrances bother me since I was little, but WD / Benzo acute intensified.
Food: Almost always (before, during and after Ads) have eaten homemade food, and packaged food only sporadically.
I have suffered from migraines / headaches since I was a teenager, and I've noticed that some foods (preservatives) trigger headaches
Currently I have no different allergies, antidepressants than before, so I voted NO ALLERGIES.
Mar/2009 (diacepam+nortriptilina).Aprl-2010 (sulpiride+diacepam). May-2010:Tranxene 20 mg+SEROXAT 20mg
TAPER BENZO:Apr-2011 20-10mg.; Sep-Nov -2011 taper 10 a 0mg. BENZO FREE 06/11/2011
TAPER SEROXAT: jul-ago-11: de 20 a 10 mg; Dic-11/jan-10-5mg;Apr-sep-12 5-0mg . SEROXAT FREE: 15/09/2012
Internal tremor, brain fog, memory, lack of concentration, anxiety. Problem original: Stress
Parox, out of curiosity, do you buy all of your food, or you grew/grow some veggies yourself?
Keep walking. Just keep walking.
No allergies prior to AD 'S, but bad sinus problems since AD WD ..biscotaki
dear Moui, my sinusitis is left nose side, it began when i was a child and i never took antibiotics, i was very poor about money, and , when after years i go to doctor, he said me an infection for so many years will not be cured, i was cleaned and antibiotics, and three months after all came back(but not my money); it is infection, not allergy, and milk i drink a liter every morning with chocolate since so many years and will have to diminish because it is too much, but i do not arrive, i am hooked on, it is a drug for me
12 years paxil(9 years only 10 mg) - cold turkey(1,5 month) and switch celexa tapered 1 year 20 mg
62 years old - for GAD - 4 years 3 months meds free [since april 2009]
vegetables soup - orange (vit C) - curcuma - some meat or fish
Oh boy, I forgot to add the sinus problem, too. Those have vastly improved by now, but were a nightmare some time ago.
Keep walking. Just keep walking.
International milk withdrawal project..Ah ok stan, so it was long before the drugs even. I haven't had this problem for as long but I too had inflammation for 6 months straight, sometimes one or other side sometimes both. It spread a few times to the lungs and caused bronchitis. I think an allergy can set off and weaken the mucus membranes and then an inflammation can set in and because the membranes keep getting irritated the inflammation doesn't go down, and it's easy to get infection after infection. When I got out of the army and started eating my own food it got much better, and even more better after diet changes. I still have a little irritation, my sinuses are a bit like sahara desert but it's better and better (about 1.5 years of sinusitis now). I eat very different now than I did before drugs.. at least something good came out of this. :)
I don't think antibiotics are good for these chronic types..
Curiously I think my sinus problems are not a wd thing for me but a side-effect/while on the drug.. but I'm always assbackwards with this ssri thing it seems.
Acceptance. Time. Habit.
In my case , during tapering and WD I have sinus problems ( inflammation and infection) and blepharitis. Now , I'm better but still exists.