also I am wondering if the xanax has contributed to your depressive symptoms. When I was in severe withdrawal hell, I found significant relief from acupuncture and herbals teas from a TCM guy.
also I am wondering if the xanax has contributed to your depressive symptoms. When I was in severe withdrawal hell, I found significant relief from acupuncture and herbals teas from a TCM guy.
2004: Effexor-150mg
2006: switch to paxil-up to 40mg
2008: after paxil taper failed, went back on effexor-250mg
2009: quit effexor cold turkey. Switched to zoloft-100mg
2010: zoloft taper failed, switched to celexa-30mg
October 2011: tapered celexa in one week
Thank you Bruno; as I've said in my post, my symptoms like anxiety and deppresion have improved; they wax and wane but I can feel an overall improvement.
The problem now is insomnia;I am coping better, but I want a healthier way to deal with the problem, I don't want any extra trouble with long term use of Benzo...
BTW,how are you doing?
150mgs Effexor for 4 years 2008-2012 for situational Major Depression. No AD before
Tapered 150-0mgs in 3 months / last dose July 26th/2012 aprox.
Acute W/D first 1-2 months
Protracted W/D since then and slowly recovering.
Main symptoms: Anxiety, Insomnia,Anhedonia.
April 9th- 20th SEVERE DEPRESSION.
11 months off.Slowly improving
Parox, entonces me recomiendas NO cambiarme a Diaze. a pesar que asì lo recomienda AshtoN?
Le sigo rebajando entonces al Xanax?
150mgs Effexor for 4 years 2008-2012 for situational Major Depression. No AD before
Tapered 150-0mgs in 3 months / last dose July 26th/2012 aprox.
Acute W/D first 1-2 months
Protracted W/D since then and slowly recovering.
Main symptoms: Anxiety, Insomnia,Anhedonia.
April 9th- 20th SEVERE DEPRESSION.
11 months off.Slowly improving
Fortunately, you're on a very low dose. Trying a switch to 5mg diazapam is probably a good first step. If you react ok to that then it's easier to do a slow taper over a few of months.
10;mg PAXIL 12 YEARS
C/T June 2012
Thank you Mona; well, switching to a less potent benzo is what Ashton Manual reccomends...
Can you tell me more about your benzo story?
BTW, how are you doing? I hope you are coping better.
My spirit is with you, stay strong
150mgs Effexor for 4 years 2008-2012 for situational Major Depression. No AD before
Tapered 150-0mgs in 3 months / last dose July 26th/2012 aprox.
Acute W/D first 1-2 months
Protracted W/D since then and slowly recovering.
Main symptoms: Anxiety, Insomnia,Anhedonia.
April 9th- 20th SEVERE DEPRESSION.
11 months off.Slowly improving
I'm so glad your symptoms are improving. Nothing has changed for me but I don't think it's about the benzos. I started 1mg xanax last Nov for akathisia. It helped for a couple of weeks and I've been tapering off ever since. At this point am down to 3mg valium. Hope to be off by the end of the summer. I also take ambien to sleep but don't intend to taper that unless I start to feel a bit better as it does help and without sleep I couldn't cope at all. I don't really think xanax is the best thing for insomnia anyway.
10;mg PAXIL 12 YEARS
C/T June 2012
Well, congratulations on getting to the point where you feel brave enough and strong enough to taper the Xanax!
I do not know enough about benzo tapering to recommend whether you should cross over to Valium or not. Keep doing research, and that will become more clear to you.
Definitely, go in tiny drops.
Meds free since June 2005.
"An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
-- Holger Kalweit
Hi Alex, I'm so sorry you are having a bad day. We have to realize that, although it seems forever, a year off these powerful meds is not considered long. I am 63 and at a year off am also in very bad shape most of the time and my greatest fear is that my age wil prevent me from ever healing, or if I do get better I'll be too old and worn down to ever have any sort of life. Then, I look at friends in their 80s who are still active antd try to believe that if I can just make it another 6 months things will start to improve. If not will have to reassess. I am also thankful that I don't have young children to look after and can manage to eek by for the time being without working. Sending you healing vibes.
10;mg PAXIL 12 YEARS
C/T June 2012