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Thread: Symphony of Science

  1. #1
    Founder Sheila's Avatar
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    Northern California

    Symphony of Science

    Very clever musical collages about science themes --

    Here are the lyrics for the one about the brain --

    [Robert Winston]
    It's amazing to consider that I'm holding in my hands
    The place where someone once felt, thought, and loved
    For centuries, scientists have been battling to understand
    What this unappealing object is all about

    [Vilayanur Ramachandran]
    Here is this mass of jelly
    You can hold in the palm of your hands
    And it can contemplate the vastness of interstellar space

    [Carl Sagan]
    The brain has evolved from the inside out
    It's structure reflects all the stages through which it has passed

    [Jill Bolte Taylor]
    Information in the form of energy
    Streams in simultaneously
    Through all of our sensory systems

    And then it explodes into this enormous collage
    Of what this present moment looks like
    What it feels like
    And what it sounds like

    And then it explodes into this enormous collage
    And in this moment we are perfect
    We are whole and we are beautiful

    [Robert Winston]
    It appears rather gruesome
    Wrinkled like a walnut, and with the consistency of mushroom

    [Carl Sagan]
    What we know is encoded in cells called neurons
    And there are something like a hundred trillion neural connections
    This intricate and marvelous network of neurons has been called
    An enchanted loom

    The neurons store sounds too, and snatches of music
    Whole orchestras play inside our heads

    20 million volumes worth of information
    Is inside the heads of every one of us
    The brain is a very big place
    In a very small space

    No longer at the mercy of the reptile brain
    We can change ourselves
    Think of the possibilities

    [Bill Nye]
    Think of your brain as a newspaper
    Think of all the information it can store
    But it doesn't take up too much room
    Because it's folded

    [Oliver Sacks]
    We see with the eyes
    But we see with the brain as well
    And seeing with the brain
    Is often called imagination


    [Robert Winston]
    It is the most mysterious part of the human body
    And yet it dominates the way we live our adult lives
    It is the brain
    Last edited by bliss; 09-07-2011 at 12:22 AM. Reason: fixed link
    Meds free since June 2005.

    "An initiation into shamanic healing means a devaluation of all values, an overturning of the profane world, a peeling away of inveterate handed-down notions of the world, liberation from everything preconceived. For that reason, shamanism is closely connected with suffering. One must suffer the disintegration of one's own system of thought in order to perceive a new world in the higher space."
    -- Holger Kalweit

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