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Thread: Body Temperature Fluctuations

  1. #1
    Senior Member Samsara's Avatar
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    Body Temperature Fluctuations

    I try so hard to take the cycling in symptomolgy in stride and thus, try not to throw a tantrum .....remain patient and wait out this journey however, this evening I just can't help but complain.

    I'm so frustrated with the return of older symptoms. I feel as if I'm never going to have normal body temperature again. I've been dealing once again, with body shivers and also warm surges and these occur periodically throughout the day.

    I usually have the typical morning flood of body heat (to varying degrees) which then changes to feeling cold about an hour later............while it's annoying I've adapted to this but to now be experiencing these temperature fluctuations throughout the day again is so utterly disappointing since, I still have enough other cycling symptoms to contend with, on a daily basis.

    I'm now 28 months and 3 weeks post rapid taper from kindling and tolerance WD state upon reinstatement of my AD. I can't believe this symptom is acting up again throughout the day.

    BTW, I know it's not related to anything other than WD.

    Sorry for being such a baby this evening (lol) but I just want to cry ATM frustrating to not have a comfortable body temperature. Mind you it's no where near as extreme as it used to. I remember when it was so unbelievably torturous......fluctuating from extreme hot to extreme cold within minutes and constantly changing from one state to another which was unbearable.

    Can anyone tell me when this symptom finally receded for good?

    Samsara (The Hot and Cold Character who Longs to become Neutral in Nature) LOL

  2. #2
    Founder stan's Avatar
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    i have another problem with body temperature, i am more sensitive

    when it is hot i am not very well, and when it is cold i tremble, so have to cover more my body , i think i am unable to fight cold as before meds;
    i noticed that all problems i had are coming back and even worse, but do not stay long time, they are shorter, (except for the akathisia which is here for a time)

    it will go away and come back, i noticed that when something comes stronger back, after it goes away, there appears a little step in improvements

    I'm now 28 months and 3 weeks post rapid taper from kindling and tolerance WD state upon reinstatement of my AD. I can't believe this symptom is acting up again throughout the day.
    we are long termer, so we have to look at long termer testimonies (more time to recover)
    Sorry for being such a baby this evening (lol) but I just want to cry ATM
    these crap have made us less fonctional than a child or old aged 90 people

    Can anyone tell me when this symptom finally receded for good?
    i would know the answer for many of my symptoms; as you said in another post, 3/4 years for us
    hope you are right!
    12 years paxil(9 years only 10 mg) - cold turkey(1,5 month) and switch celexa tapered 1 year 20 mg
    62 years old - for GAD - 4 years 3 months meds free [since april 2009]

    vegetables soup - orange (vit C) - curcuma - some meat or fish

  3. #3
    Founder Luc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samsara View Post
    Mind you it's no where near as extreme as it used to. I remember when it was so unbelievably torturous......fluctuating from extreme hot to extreme cold within minutes and constantly changing from one state to another which was unbearable.
    And here it is, Samsara! It's getting better no matter what. And, no matter what, we will heal. The only problem is that the super - slowliness of the healing process (not to mention its cyclical character) makes us feel there's less progress than there really is. But it IS getting better. At some point, every single day and week of the improvement put together will mean only one thing -HEALING. Total/thorough/complete/undeniable/perfect/full/ entire/absolute/whole/utter/outright/profound/all-out/unreserved/downright/livelong/undivided/out-and-out healing.
    Keep walking. Just keep walking.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Samsara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    i have another problem with body temperature, i am more sensitive

    Stan, thank you for all of your responses! I apologize for taking so long to acknowledge your post but TBH, I've been pretty out of it lately and I actually forgot about the responses within this thread. It's so unlike me to let things go for so long and again, I'm sorry.

    Like you, I also am sensitive to temperature changes, even as little as 1 degree re: home thermostat.

    when it is hot i am not very well, and when it is cold i tremble, so have to cover more my body , i think i am unable to fight cold as before meds;

    Yes, I experience this as well.

    i noticed that all problems i had are coming back and even worse, but do not stay long time, they are shorter, (except for the akathisia which is here for a time)

    so sorry and believe me I do understand what you are experiencing, since, unfortunately, I'm experiencing the same. These past few weeks and presently, I have had the regular on-going symptoms flare up very badly as well and they are continuous.

    it will go away and come back, i noticed that when something comes stronger back, after it goes away, there appears a little step in improvements

    I understand what you mean but honestly, I don't see any improvements in some symptoms while there is improvement in others. For days now, I've had such muscle cramping and pain in my calf muscles, at the worse intensity it has ever been. That's only one of many symptoms that are plaguing me during this current wave.

    we are long termer, so we have to look at long termer testimonies (more time to recover)

    Yes, you are indeed correct. I never thought I was going to be a longer timer. I remember reading one of your posts where you stated how you hung on for the 3rd month believing you were going to be recovered by then. When that didn't happen, you waited for 6 month mark, then 9 months and so on. I did EXACTLY the same thing Stan.

    I'm glad I didn't know how long it was going to take me to recover since, I would have lost a lot of hope and spiritual resilience.

    these crap have made us less fonctional than a child or old aged 90 people

    Oh, so very true indeed. It feels humiliating to be reduced to such levels for so long. I have so much shame regarding how low my existence was for so long. I feel dehumanized by it all. However, we do what we can to rise above the realities of what we have/are experiencing.

    i would know the answer for many of my symptoms; as you said in another post, 3/4 years for us
    hope you are right!
    This is the time-line I've seen for many people on different forums, over the years. However, with that said, we could recover before that time or, at the very least, feel far less incapacitated. I don't think I'm going to make the 30 month mark (it's one month away) and so, I now have to aim for the 3 year mark.

    It's beyond disappointing, as you know, however, it is what it is and the best we can do is keep the faith and thank the universe that people who walked before us, left their recovery stories for others to draw upon. Without such stories, things would indeed feel hopeless and more confusing.

    May Life Become Lighter real soon for you Stan!
    Again, thank you for your thorough response and support. I appreciate it!


  5. #5
    Founder stan's Avatar
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    i will write more tomorrow because here it is 2am and i will go look some tv before trying to sleep;
    i think much as you, i also "goal" the three years mark; i want only be more autonomic a little, the worse is my globally akathisia, very strong when standing, if it goes away, i would recover 80% very fast i feel; if it goes not away, it will be difficult for me;
    12 years paxil(9 years only 10 mg) - cold turkey(1,5 month) and switch celexa tapered 1 year 20 mg
    62 years old - for GAD - 4 years 3 months meds free [since april 2009]

    vegetables soup - orange (vit C) - curcuma - some meat or fish

  6. #6
    Senior Member Samsara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luc View Post
    And here it is, Samsara! It's getting better no matter what. And, no matter what, we will heal. The only problem is that the super - slowliness of the healing process (not to mention its cyclical character) makes us feel there's less progress than there really is. But it IS getting better. At some point, every single day and week of the improvement put together will mean only one thing -HEALING. Total/thorough/complete/undeniable/perfect/full/ entire/absolute/whole/utter/outright/profound/all-out/unreserved/downright/livelong/undivided/out-and-out healing.
    Hi Luc........

    please forgive me to taking so long to acknowledge your kind and supportive efforts. Please read my intro paragraph to Stan as for the reasons why.

    Indeed, you are so correct re: the SUPER "slowness" that this journey can be. Battle fatigue starts to set in however, we've come this far and we can't give into the weariness that washes over us from time to time.

    Oh yes, re: the cyclical nature. One never knows what one will feel like 5 minutes from now, never mind 1 hour from now. (lol)

    Total/thorough/complete/undeniable/perfect/full/ entire/absolute/whole/utter/outright/profound/all-out/unreserved/downright/livelong/undivided/out-and-out healing.[/

    Do I ever love that string of thoughts. Thank you! I think I will print this out and place it in front computer to visually view, mentally affirm and spiritually breathe in each day.

    Thank you for taking the time to offer support, inspiration and validation. I very much appreciate it!

    Massive Healing and Ultimate Recovery to You!


  7. #7
    Senior Member Samsara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    i will write more tomorrow because here it is 2am and i will go look some tv before trying to sleep;
    i think much as you, i also "goal" the three years mark; i want only be more autonomic a little, the worse is my globally akathisia, very strong when standing, if it goes away, i would recover 80% very fast i feel; if it goes not away, it will be difficult for me;

    I completely understand all that you have shared.

    BTW, don't worry about writing. Really, all is fine. I hope you have a very restful evening and night.

    Most of all I hope the akathisia greatly improves and ultimately vanishes in the very near future!

    May we ROCK and RULE by the 3 year mark!


  8. #8
    Founder stan's Avatar
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    night with nocturia and ultra dry mouth (even drinking), what a crappy night!

    3 year mark, oh yes! (we have no choice)
    12 years paxil(9 years only 10 mg) - cold turkey(1,5 month) and switch celexa tapered 1 year 20 mg
    62 years old - for GAD - 4 years 3 months meds free [since april 2009]

    vegetables soup - orange (vit C) - curcuma - some meat or fish

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